Healthy Lunchbox Snacks for Kids: Boosting Dental Health with Delicious Choices

Healthy Lunchbox Snacks for Kids: Boosting Dental Health with Delicious Choices


As parents, we know how important it is for children to have healthy lunches to keep them energized throughout the school day. Not only does a healthy lunch support their overall oral health and general health, but it can also taste delicious! Maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet will keep your childrens’ gums and teeth strong! Here’s how you can pack delicious, tooth-friendly snacks for your children.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables:

Packing any fruit or veggies for your childrens’ lunch would be very beneficial for their oral and general health but the best ones we love are:


Not only are apples crunchy and refreshing, but they are also great for your childrens’ teeth. Apples have a fibrous texture that helps clean their teeth and stimulates saliva production. This will help neutralize harmful acids in the mouth. Pre-slicing apples will be easier for your little ones to eat!


Our favourite vegetable is carrots! We love them since they are orange, they taste good and they have a satisfying crunch which can clean plaque from your childrens’  teeth! Try pairing them with a little bit of hummus for added flavour and nutrition.


Our final veggie that we love is celery. Celery has the same benefits as the other fruits and veggies of cleaning your teeth. However, celery has one extra benefit, it has a high water-content which can keep your kids hydrated if they aren’t big on drinking water. 

Real Cheese: 

Alongside vegetables we highly suggest packing some cheese in your childrens’ lunch box. Cheese has an amazing source of calcium and phosphorus, which can neutralize acids in their mouths. This can lead to a lower risk of developing cavities. Plus, cheese and apples make a great pair to bring out the flavours of each snack.


When considering a grain product for your childs’ lunch, such as bread or crackers. The healthiest type of grain would be whole grain, it contains a great source of fibre, which helps in the production of saliva. While in the grocery store, be sure to find whole grain products that are low in added sugars and high in whole grains. 

If sandwiches or crackers aren’t your childs’ favourite snacks. Oatmeal is a great alternative since you can make it in the morning and keep it hot in a thermos for lunch time. These oats are high in fibre and can be topped with fresh fruit too!


We know that juice boxes are a popular option for your child to bring to school. If possible it’s best to have your child only drink water. We know this isn’t always possible, but if they do drink a juice box, make sure they drink it all at once and use a straw to help eliminate contact of the sugary juice touching their teeth. 

Water is the best drink for your child to consume, it can help wash away any leftover food particles and bacteria while containing no sugar! Be sure to pack them a water bottle they can drink and refill throughout the day at school.

Tips for Packing a Healthy Lunch: 

  • Be sure to cut the snacks into the appropriate size to your child’s age.

  • Change the variety of snacks for your child to enjoy everyday!

  • Meal preparation is a great hack to make all the lunches at the beginning of the week to save on time.

In conclusion, staying conscious of what your child is eating during the school day shouldn’t be complicated. By picking a variety of fruits, veggies, cheeses and whole grains products, you can be sure your child will have fun and healthy snacks that will make their smile bright and healthy.


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